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Wednesday, 22 April 2009
The hottest weight loss tips today
I don't need to tell you how much workouts are crucial for quick weight loss. However, if you don't do the following three things, your workout sessions would just prove to be a waste of time. Let me tell you about the top three things you should do in order to extract the most out of each and every workout session you participate in!

1. Variety is the spice of life: This is true not only of foods but also workouts! If you want to gain the maximum benefit out of exercises, you should do a variety of workouts so as to keep your body guessing! When you do the same old workout each and every day, your body gets accustomed to it and consequently burns fewer calories than before.

Think about it this way: if you eat the same old food time and again your tongue would get used to its taste and then you would no longer be as interested in that food as before! The same holds true for workouts as well!

So one day you may do some jogging, another day, indulge in swimming, then basketball, cycling, etc. If you are doing intense workouts you should alternate between the various types of intense workouts available!

2. Replace long boring cardios with interval training: The days of long boring cardios are gone. Why would you spend four hours on cardios when you could gain the same benefit within just five minutes?

Interval training is the new craze among weight loss aspirants. You only need to spend five minutes on it in order to lose weight quickly and easily! Apart from being a huge time saver, another advantage of interval training over cardios is that it helps you burn fat even at rest! Just imagine, won't it be nice if you could burn fat simply by sitting on your couch and watching your favorite movie? If you want that then you need to start doing interval training!

3. Snack before exercising: Who said snacking before exercising is not good? If you snack one-and-a-half hour before starting the workout, you have nothing to worry about! When working out, many people become fatigued half-way. This won't happen to you if you snack before hitting the gym.
The best kind of snack for this purpose is a low-carbohydrate protein bar! You should also drink plenty of water before, during and after exercising! The more hydrated your body is, the easier it will be for you to sustain the intensity of workouts!

Posted by billnad at 2:53 PM EDT
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Sunday, 19 April 2009
Would Starvation Really Help You Become Thin?
Mood:  a-ok

In the weight loss industry, there are two types of concepts: truths and myths. You need to find out and accept the truth and disregard the myth. However, it is easier said than done. In the modern world, lies are more attractive and famous than truths and as such, most people fall for the lies and harm themselves. However, this won't happen to you if you take the time to read this article. In this article I will talk about one of the top prevailing myth which is badly affecting the weight loss industry.

One of the most popular weight loss myths is that if you starve, you would lose weight fast. People, especially those who are new to weight loss, believe that if they starve non-stop for several weeks, all their pounds would go away and they would be able to munch on junk foods once again.

Truth however, is not so rosy. As a matter of fact, your body requires a certain amount of calories per day to function properly. Once your body is deprived of this basic nutrition, it feels that you are killing it. To protect itself from death, it would move into what is known in medical parlance as "starvation mode". While in starvation mode, your body would stop the fat burning process by lowering your metabolic rate.

The end result would be that even if you lose a few pounds of weight, it would be water weight loss (caused as a result of starvation) and NOT fat loss. Water weight loss is temporary and the "lost" weight would return back once you start eating normally. If you are interested in a supplement then Acai Berry may be for you. If you want to achieve permanent weight loss, you need to lose FAT.

There are diets which make you eat only a piece of carrot or a glass of lemon juice over a 24-hour period. What these diets are doing is making you starve. Once again your body would stop the fat burning process to protect itself from premature death. Worse, when you quit dieting and go into normal eating mode, you would gain some extra pounds over and above what you started with.

There is more to it. Starvation decreases your muscle mass. Here is how: normally your body uses carbohydrates to produce the necessary energy. But when you starve, your carbohydrate storage gets depleted rapidly, leaving you with just fat and muscles. By nature your body would keep the fat intact for future use and start burning muscles for energy production.

As you lose muscles, your metabolic rate would automatically diminish. A time would come when you would have more fat than muscles. This is not an ideal situation. If you have very little muscle you won't be able to burn fat and lose weight, for muscles are what help you burn fat quickly. Learn more about Muscle Building Program if you are looking to gain muscle quickly.

Posted by billnad at 6:38 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 19 July 2010 12:34 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 October 2008
Laser Acne Treatment
Many of us have suffered with acne and lately many of us have also looked at Laser Acne Treatments for curing stubborn acne. But is this a new and great advance that will help you get rid of acne or is it just another gimmick. i had to research a bit to find out.

History of Laser Acne Treatments

Lasers have been around since 1958 and have been used for many things besides treating acne. Lasers are being used for increasing blood flow and destroying stray cartilage in joints as well as eye surgery like Lasik. The first devices and studies for acne treatment with lasers occured around 2002 or 2003 so this is a relatively new use of the technology.


What is Laser Acne Treatment

First of all there are two ways that you can use a laser to help acne prone skin, first there is the killing and geting rid of acne Using a single beam of light has two effects on your skin. It has a dual action where acne is concerned. First it kills the bacteria that are responsible for the outbreaks of acne. Next it also causes the sebaceous glands to shrink. The sebaceous glands are oil glands, which secrete oil to nourish the skin. This oil blocks the hair follicles and causes acne. Shrinking the oil glands causes decreased sebum production and decrease in acne outbreaks.

Also lasers can be sued to burn out or bleach discolorations in your skin. This is known as Laser acne scar treatment and is really a completely different cosmetic application of using lasers.


Does Laser Acne Treatment Work?

Some say yes and some say no. I have found a clinical study from 2003 at the University of Michigan that says no, it does not seem to work but in another study from Saratov State University just a year later 80% of the people that took part had a significant reduction in acne. Still another study at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine said that laser teatment was very effective for acne.

If you are serious about trying laser acne treatment it would probably be best to talk to your dermatologist. Remember There are many different treatments for acne and some work better than others depending on the type of acne that you have.

But of course do you know there is much more that you can do to get rid of your acne? I have written many articles as well as a review about Acne free in 3 days and comparisons to the Acne no more holistic acne treatment.

Posted by billnad at 10:56 AM EDT
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Thursday, 31 July 2008
Why do diets sometimes not work?

If you're reading this, then chances are you're trying to lose weight.  And if you're trying to lose weight, chances are you're struggling. 

Losing weight can be a daunting task in today's society, where you are bombarded with unhealthy food from all directions, and you are pressured to participate in a sedentary lifestyle on your sofa.  It seems as if everybody who attempts to lose weight struggles at one time or another with their progress.  However, using the right techniques, you should be able to answer the question "why can't I lose weight?"  Here are four such techniques to stop struggling:

1.  The number one reason most people struggle to lose weight is that they simply are not honest with themselves.  Many people claim to count calories, but conveniently leave out that Big Mac they had for lunch or that piece of cake at Aunt June's birthday party.  On the other side of the same coin, many people are not honest about their exercise program.  It's easy to stop 10 minutes short of your desired workout length, but doing so consistently will seriously harm your chances to lose weight.  There are two techniques in particular that are powerful in helping you stay honest with yourself. 

Starting a written journal in which you write everything you eat, and every exercise you do, down to every last calorie eaten in calorie burned can go a long way towards ending your struggles.  Also, you may want to consider starting a picture journal.  Do this by taking a picture of yourself in the same pose every week.

2.  Another reason why you might be struggling is lack of goal setting.  Very rarely does anybody achieve any significant measure of success, in any walk of life, without setting specific and realistic goals.  Not only will setting goals give you a clear path and end result in your weight loss program, but as you meet these goals they will give you encouragement along the way.  It is important, however, to be realistic in your goal setting.  It will only be a disservice to your desire to lose weight if you set an unrealistic goal for yourself and then use your failure to meet that goal as an excuse to stop your program.

3. Perhaps you may be dieting too much.  You may have been upset with your progress, and decided to drastically reduce your calorie intake.  While on its face, this would seem like a sure way to lose weight quickly, ultimately it will hinder your chances in meeting your weight loss goals.  The reasons for this are twofold.  First, when your body does not get a certain amount of calories, it goes into what is termed as "starvation mode."  This simply means that your body begins to feed off not only the fat, but also the muscle you already have.  Since muscle increases your metabolism, it is in your best interest to keep as much as possible throughout your weight loss program.  Second, when you are in starvation mode, you are much more likely to binge.  These periodic binges will do more than enough to offset any gain you get from cutting calories.  An effective way to combat potential binging is to keep small portion controlled snacks available where you can access them quickly in case of a hunger attack.

4.  A final reason you may be struggling to lose weight is, quite simply, you're not getting enough calcium.  It is common knowledge that calcium aids in the building of bones and other tissue of the body, but a recent study by Creighton University's Osteoporosis Research Center in Nebraska showed those who ate calcium rich diets were up to 70% less likely to be overweight.  Simply reading the calcium on a nutritional information label however, can be dangerous.  Since many high calcium foods are also high in fats, you'll want to be sure that you're picking your calcium sources wisely.

These are only a few reasons why you may be struggling with your weight loss program.  There are surely other aspects which are contributing either to your success or lack thereof.  However, if you combine the above techniques, you will be much more likely to meet your weight loss goals.

Posted by billnad at 11:55 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 1 August 2008 12:01 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Skin pigmentation in teens
The pigmentation in these stripes seems to be a result of the hormone changes that take place in adolescence. They are not due to stretching of the skin from rapid weight gain. Nor do they have any direct relationship to the striae that appear on a woman's body during pregnancy. The pigmented striae of adolescence may last months, but eventually they fade out and disappear, leaving no scars.

Decreased Pigmentation Of The Skin
The only real "white man" is a true albino, no matter from what racial stock he comes. The albino does not have the pigment in the skin that gives the flesh color of others in his ethnic group. His hair has no pigment either, and thus is quite white. There is an absence of protective pigment on the inner lining of the albino's eye (the choroid), so an accompaniment of albinism is an acute sensitivity to light (photophobia). Nystagmus, a flickering movement of the pupils, is also seen with albinism.
Albinism is a hereditary condition. In many cases a child with the signs of albinism will, as he grows older, take on some pigmentation and his skin, hair, and eyes will become more normal. Occasionally the albinism stays marked throughout adult life.

Some people have a white or partially white eyebrow, or a streak of white hair, or other small patches of partial albinism. This strikingly distinctive addition to a person's appearance has been copied by artificial means—showing again that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Albinos have a charm of their own.

Many people have patches of skin lacking the usual pigment. These patches can be small or large and of varying shapes. They are given the medical term vitiligo. Each patch has a definite though irregular border. Vitiligo is usually not permanent, though its spots may retain the same size and shape for years. It usually shows up much more definitely when the skin is sunburned or suntanned, because there is no deepening of color in its area while the surrounding skin becomes darker.

The cause of this harmless condition is not known. Various folk traditions hold that this patchy absence of pigmentation is contagious, or signals a visitation of an evil spirit. This, obviously, is nonsense. There is never itching or pain with vitiligo, and the condition never becomes malignant.

A new form of treatment is now available for these patches, a medication derived from ancient Egyptian folk medicine. However, to date, the pigment-stimulating ingredients of the plant Ammi majus Linn, which the Egyptians tried for vitiligo, have been found to work properly in only one out of seven patients. When the plant's ingredients were rubbed on the skin, blistering and pain made the treatment unbearable for many patients. The usual way of taking the drug now is by mouth, but nausea, nervousness, headaches, or other bad reactions may occur. It is therefore necessary that a physician's directions always be followed when this medicine is used.

Posted by billnad at 9:23 AM EDT
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Saturday, 10 May 2008
Geronimo Fitness Training
The next step up from fartlek is Geronimo. Remember in fartlek that bursts of increased effort are decided by the way you feel. In Geronimo, there also are increases and decreases in effort—but not of your own choosing. Although widely applicable, track men have found Geronimo workouts very useful. The principle of Geronimo is to work hardest under adverse conditions and slow down when the going is easy. This is the exact opposite of training for fun and fitness. Running cross-country on Geronimo requires all-out, relentless speed going uphill and into the wind. Then coast downhill with a tail wind.

Geronimo workouts are so named because athletes often pep themselves up by shrieking "Geronimo" at the top of their lungs while in the midst of a grueling dash uphill against a headwind. Other epithets are invoked but for obvious reasons cannot be quoted.

Athletes are quite sensible. They never scream "Geronimo" in public or admit to it even in private. However, Geronimo is effective. Apparently the threat of abduction to mental institutions keeps athletes silent unless by themselves.

Interval Training
The ultimate in training is the "interval" system. Turbulence training is exactly what interval training is about. More speed, more effort, more fatigue, and more determination are involved—but at a smaller expenditure of time. More work is compressed into a shorter workout. This system is relatively new in this country, having been "borrowed" from European athletes in recent years. Boiled down to its essence, interval training involves strenuous activity for a given distance or time period followed by an equal distance or time of minimal effort. These fast and slow "intervals" are then repeated.

In swimming the athlete, after warming up, swims the length of the pool at maximal or near-maximal effort. He then turns and swims back very slowly. Turning again he repeats his fast lap, followed by a leisurely return. By keeping a record of his time on fast and slow laps and by noting the number of intervals accomplished he can measure his progress.

Finally, training under adverse conditions gives the athlete confidence of his abilities to excel when the environment is ideal. Workouts can be undeniably delicious in a howling wind, at night, under extremes of hot and cold, in choppy water, over snowy terrains, on mushy grass, and in a drizzle. Athletes know that a satisfactory workout in difficult circumstances virtually guarantees better performance on the day of competition.

Pre-Event Nutrition
As noted earlier, the day-in, day-out food consumption of an athlete has little influence on competitive performance. An exception to this generalization is pre-event nutrition.

A consideration of pre-event meals begins forty-eight hours prior to competition. This applies only to endurance events, since there are no scientific data or theoretical implications to suggest that all-out burst events can be modified by nutrition.

Although performance cannot be enhanced, serious impairment can be avoided—loose bowels, abdominal cramps, impeded emptying of the stomach, depleted salt stores, and inadequate energy supplies. If these can be avoided or minimized, the athlete can exert himself closer to his full potential. Beginning about forty-eight hours before competition, the athlete can modify his diet to offer maximum protection against such mishaps. Irritating or "gassy" foods should be avoided.  Roughage  and  foods  which  increase stool  bulk

Posted by billnad at 5:34 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 19 July 2010 2:36 PM EDT
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Saturday, 3 May 2008
Protecting yourself while working out
Here are pointers to keep you out of trouble and allow you the most fun—pointers to help you avoid nuisances and injury. These are tips you otherwise will learn the hard way. Hardened sportsmen and competing athletes know that the best workout can be wrecked by inattention to several small, yet important, details. It will not take you long to discover your own sensitive and tender areas. Experience will soon be your guide. Do be most attentive in the beginning.

Protection For Exposed Areas
In your "exercise infancy" pressure surfaces and exposed areas are subjected to unaccustomed abuse. Lips are very susceptible to chapping and cracking, not only in windy or cold weather, but during almost any activity rigorous enough to cause mouth breathing. Worse yet, there is an unexplained tendency during strenuous exercise to lick the lips, which further aggravates chapping. A thin coat of vaseline or lipsil should be applied over the lips and around the mouth to provide reliable protection.

Under all climatic, seasonal, and diurnal vicissitudes, exercise increases secretions of the respiratory tract. Such mucus tends to accumulate in the trachea and nose, becoming watery and copious. In the mouth secretions are ropy and thick. Whether a workout is confined to the four walls of a YMCA or is enjoyed under cloudy, dismal skies, runny noses and juicy coughs can be predicted. Carry an adequate supply of facial tissues—two or three should be sufficient. These can be tucked under the waist since most sports clothes do not have pockets.

Posted by billnad at 8:02 PM EDT
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Thursday, 24 January 2008
Acne psychological problems

I was under the impression that acne was just a skin problem but I just saw over at Acne News that there is an acne psychological problem called acne Dysmorphia.

This is not technically a physical condition caused by acne, but it is a mental condition. This can be a very debilitating illness that may show up with someonewho has a preoccupation with deformity. In this situation the person is totally preoccupied with acne. They believe that their acne is horrible and that their skin is awful, when in actuality it may not be all that bad. They are often preoccupied by checking themselves in a mirror and obsessively checking on their skin flaws.

Billions of people have acne outbreaks, but these people are unable to deal with it. In fact, this disorder has nothing to do with acne. This disorder is also related to anorexia nervosa. In anorexia, weight is a trigger; in acne dysmorphia, acne is a trigger. These people are obsessed with their skin and it is not unusual for this type of person to continuously look in the mirror and obsess about their skin.

Acne dysmorphia has been successfully treated with serotonin reuptake inhibitors as well as hypnosis. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a psychological treatment for depression related disorders. Group therapy sessions with people who suffer from similar problems have allowed people to relieve themselves from the obsession that they suffer from. People with this condition have also been treated with antidepressants and other medications.

Do you have problems like this with your acne? I know that I never did but it is something to watch out for. Go over to the Acne News site and check out their other stuff, it is a really great place. 

Posted by billnad at 10:10 PM EST
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Monday, 7 January 2008
Study finds that acne sometimes doesn't go away

A new study by a dermatology group find that for many people acne in adolesence does not seem to go away as we enter adulthood. Even more of a reason I guess to stay away from thinking that this is all hormone driven and to try instead to find the best acne treatment

Study participants were randomly selected from patients in waiting areas of various outpatient services at the university hospital. The survey yielded 1,013 questionnaires with complete data.

Overall, 73.3% of participants reported having a pimple or acne at some time. With regard to teenaged acne, 68.5% of male patients and 66.8% of females reported having had acne as a teenager, a difference that was not significant.

A significantly greater proportion of women than men reported being affected by acne after their teens. The percentage of patients reporting acne during that decade of life was:

    * 20s: women 50.9%, men 42.5% (P=0.0073)
    * 30s: women 35.2%, men 20.1% (P<0.0001)
    * 40s: women 26.3%, men 12% (P<0.0001)
    * 50 and older: women 15.3%, men 7.3% (P=0.046)

A separate part of the survey dealt with issues specific to women. Among premenopausal women, 62.2% said their acne worsened around the time of menstruation. Of 86 women who reported using hormone replacement therapy or other treatments for menopausal symptoms, nine (10.5%) said the treatment improved their acne.

Discussing the findings and implications of the research, the authors stated, "Recognition of the prevalence of acne among the adult population has led to closer study of the characteristics that might differentiate adolescent from postadolescent acne."

Posted by billnad at 5:02 PM EST
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Sunday, 9 December 2007
A diet that actually works?

Low Fat Foods DON'T WORK.  

You cannot lose weight using Low Fat Diets.  Low fat foods have been
popular for more than 15 years, but yet our society is getting more
overweight as each year passes.  This fact alone should tell you that
eating a purely low fat menu is not the answer to losing weight.

Low Calorie Diets DON'T WORK.

You won't lose weight using a Low Calorie Dieting Plan either.   In
fact, eating low calories is the worst thing that you can do to your
body, since that will only slow down your body's fat burning engine and
ruin all chances of losing weight (low calorie diets may allow a few
pounds of weight loss for the first few days, but then after that all
weight loss comes to a halt --- known as a dieting plateau).   You can
never get slim by starving yourself.

Low Carb Plans DON'T WORK.

You'll probably find it extremely difficult to get slim using a Low Carb
Dieting Plan.  Low carb diets have recently become popular over the last
couple years, but the problem with low carb menus is that they are too
strict and TOO HARD TO FOLLOW for average people.   Low carb menus tend
to rob your body of too much energy (carbohydrates) and make it nearly
impossible to remain on the program for very long.  This is why so many
dieters find it difficult to follow a strict low carbohydrate menu.

What about Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig Dieting Plans?

Weight loss programs such as Weight Watchers (and Jenny Craig) usually
involve slower dieting progress over a longer period of time, since such
programs generally promise only 2-3 pounds of weight loss per week.
Also, programs such as Jenny Craig usually involve buying special meals
and/or dietary supplements during the initial phases of the program.
While some people may like these types of dietary programs, we prefer a
dieting plan which focuses on faster weight loss, such as the
Accelerated Fat Burning Program shown below...  

Try our New ACCELERATED Fat Burning Diet right here

Posted by billnad at 2:05 AM EST
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